Axiometrics® Profiling - based on the Nobel Prize nominated research of Dr Robert S Hartman, enables us to identify the internal valuing system/”thinking patterns” that influences our perceptions (attitudes), decisions and actions, basically our Values or “Why” we do what we do..
More than ever, values are a focus in business and governmental decisions. As technological advances and the growing global economy continue to integrate cultures and ideas, organisations require unprecedented flexibility and the capacity to quickly adapt to change. These attributes are directly related to the value talent and decision-making capabilities of the individuals that comprise the organisation.
Axiology (science of value) and the backbone of Axiometrics® clearly exposes how individuals value themselves and the world around them. During 40 years of research, Axiometrics International's chairman, Wayne Carpenter, successfully expanded the mathematics of Dr. Hartman to account for 'real life' variables. This extension of Axiology is called Axiometrics® and is used to mathematically measure and assess specific capacities of an individual. Axiometrics® can be used not only to predict future performance, but also to provide insight into core competencies, talents, and developmental needs.