“During my 32 year career with the armed forces I have used many tools and frameworks to aid my personal development journey and that of the teams to which I have belonged. In preparing for my next career I have used Axiometrics which far exceeds every other tool that I've utilised. Catapult Solutions has offered me a penetrating insight and incisive articulation of my valuing and thinking styles. Armed with this high level of self awareness and my own personal drivers, I am informed and reinvigorated on how I might achieve the best professional and cultural fit as I move ahead to my next career. The Axiometrics™ profile and Catapult Solutions experience has constructively, supportively and excellently provided a logical and sound foundation for me as I transition to a new role outside the military”.
Captain Alistair Willis MA MBA - Royal Navy
“Axiometrics® has provided real insight into the way I actually think and apply myself to both work and personal life. The output was comprehensive, challenged self-perception and provided an alarmingly accurate insight into several key areas of behaviour and performance. These I have now been able to explicitly identify as being characteristics that I can draw confidence from and use as a platform to address areas of weakness and opportunities for change and improvement.
The process was simple and accessible and differed substantially from previously conducted psychometric tests in that the values-based approach, characterised by the format of the thinking exercise, was far less confusing as there was no apparent conflict in trying to reason the responses in relation to each other.
Extending the exercise across my team within Deep-Secure is an activity which I am now looking to explore as I appreciate the value of the Axiometric approach and the impact it can have on improving self-awareness in the context of a team dynamic to optimise both business performance and personal satisfaction.”.
Robin King, CEO - Deep Secure
"I employed Catapult Solutions to come into school to use the Axiometrics™ profiling system on my management team. Over the last six years I had tried all sorts of profiles from good old Myers Briggs to transactional analysis but none really did what I wanted in a meaningful way with impact, however I have found Axiometrics™, which looks at the 'values' of individuals and how they form a team value profile, to be something of quite another order.
From the profiling, the Senior Leadership Team has made a quantum leap in their development and this is having an enormous impact on the school. I am now using Axiometrics® to recruit all my staff so that I can ensure that they are all aligned to my school's values and that the team has all the qualities I need. This is an amazing tool and is already saving me time and money.
I recommend the process without qualification!"
David Brazier, Head Teacher - Long Close School, Cognita Group
“On both a personal and professional level, I found the Axiometrics® process to be hugely fulfilling and a somewhat life changing event. Initial scepticism quickly gave way to incredulity as the results of the prioritisation assessment were revealed unearthing deep and unconscious thoughts, opinions and beliefs and, thereafter, opportunities. The results, and how I have used those results in my personal and professional development, have provided a very obvious and auditable foundation for my current employment and the manner in which I employ my people. I see huge utility for the Axiometrics™ tool in the recruitment, development and retention of personnel across the Naval Service; I commend the philosophy unreservedly.”.
Captain Phil Waterhouse - Royal Navy
"Axiometrics® is an amazing tool to use with apprentices who are often not sure what direction they are taking in life and in their careers. It gives them the freedom to explore ‘who they want to be’ rather than ‘what they want to do’ and stops them from being labelled and pigeon holed so early in their lives. They are able to understand not only their strengths and what may be the blocks to their development but the Axiometrics® profile enables them to discover their latent potential. This is an immensely powerful tool for both personal and professional development at a critical time in their lives and I would recommend it wholeheartedly and unreservedly for young people".
Jill Cowles, Apprenticeship Strategic Development Manager, Learning & Development Team - North Somerset Council
“Catapult Solutions have shown themselves to be first rate operators when it comes to coaching, counselling and management/leadership advice. Since my personal Axiometrics® Profile session, I have used much of the advice given to excellent effect - I only wish that I had been in receipt of their counsel a lot earlier in my career. In addition, I know that the organisation I work for has benefitted from their advice and counsel as a collective. All in all, excellent! I recommend them unreservedly”.
Project Manager - MJDI, MOD
"It was strongly recommended for me to carry out an Axiometrics® profile. Leaving HM Forces after 24 years, I was unsure in which direction to go with my future career. Axiometrics™ profiling informed and reinforced my decision making process and highlighted areas where I could improve to ensure success. I left the session motivated and with a clear personal direction".
Military Leaver, 24 years service
"Having an Axiometrics® profile has been really beneficial for me. It has helped me to have a deeper understanding of my values and my view on both the world and myself. Now that I understand who I am and the things that I value, I can make decisions more clearly based on my values and ideals. The profile also provided me with plenty of tips that I can use to help strengthen the areas where I have vulnerabilities. The profile was scarily accurate and reinforced what I am good at and areas that I would like to improve".
Jake Murphy, GIS Data Officer (former apprentice) 2013 - North Somerset Council
"I have recently taken part in an Axiometrics profile. I found it has given me a great insight in to my values with people, tasks and the way I think. I was a little sceptical at first, but after reading the profile I was shocked at how accurate it was to myself. It helped bring to light, areas in my life that I would like to improve on. Before taking the profile I had a vague idea about myself but that was nothing compared to now. I feel motivated and focused to utilise my strengths and I am looking to progress in both the workplace and my personal life".
George Daly, Contracts & Commisioning Team (former apprentice) 2013 - North Somerset Council
"Working as a health improvement specialist across supporting provision of 3 core services, across 3 different geographical settings; I found that behaviour change in a stable environment is tough enough, more so as we e are increasingly operating amidst greater turbulence than ever before.
The process is:
- good that its simple enough to understand, and taps into a rich stream of information
- better still its sophisticated enough to accommodate a holistic approach to managing people & their environment;
- best of all it is a great way to tap into the often under-utilised capacity of individuals so that they can have fulfilling roles and be productive members of society".
Florence Labwo, Health Improvement Specialist - NHS Trust